
2009-04-21 4:08 am
全球的管理環境,一直隨著時間而不斷變遷,以前的管理理論,多來自三大學說:a, b, or c. 然而,進入廿一世界後,電腦與資訊科技發展迅速,它不但能影響企業日常運作,而且能影響企業的管理模式。再者,科技的發展衍生了今天數碼化管理的誕生,而且管理的程度、模式以及風格都有別於傳統的管理模式。這份報告的目的主要想讓讀者加深了解現時某些公司的管理模式,包括組織的背景,文化,風格和特色,甚至數碼化管理如何影響這些企業。

回答 (3)

2009-04-21 8:58 am
✔ 最佳答案
As time goes by, the global managed environment had been ever-changing. The previous management theories are based on three major doctrines: a,b, and c. After entering into the 21th century, computer and information technology had advanced speedily. It does not only affect the daily operations of the enterprises, it also affects the management styles of the enterprises. Furthermore, the technology development had given birth to the digital management. Its degree of management, style, and genre are different from the traditional management style. The main purpose of this report is to let the readers to further understand the management style of certain companies which include the background of the organization, culture, genre, and characteristics. On top of that, it will lead the readers to understand how digital management can affect these enterprises.
2009-04-21 3:46 pm


2009-04-21 4:20 am
global management environment, has been changing over time, the previous management theory, from the three University said: a, b or c., however, enter the twenty - first world, the computer and information technology is developing rapidly, it can not only affect the day-to-day operations, and can affect management mode.Furthermore, technological development derived in today's digital - based management of the birth, and management of the extent, patterns, and style are different from traditional management mode.the purpose of this report mainly want to let readers a better understanding of the present some of the company's management model, including the Organization of the background, culture, style and features, and even digital management of the impact of these enterprises.

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