幫手番易幾句由英文、(10 點 ) 、(10 點 ) 、

2009-04-20 8:29 pm

1 : 你幾時得閒出黎陪我飲咖啡 ?有無時間出黎飲咖啡 ?

2 : 有無時間出黎飲咖啡 ?

3 : 你會留香港幾耐?

4 : 有冇掛住我 ?

5 : 你屋企(家鄉)系日本邊度 ?

回答 (6)

2009-04-20 9:12 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1 : What time do you have leisure to appear in Li and accompany me to drink coffee? Have time to offer Li to drink coffee?
2 : Have time to offer Li to drink coffee?
3 : How much will you leave Hong Kong is able to bear?
4 : I hang?
5 : Does the enterprise of your room (hometown ) spend by Japan?
( 專家分析 )
參考: 專家分析
2009-04-21 4:17 pm


2009-04-20 10:42 pm
1 : 你幾時得閒出黎陪我飲咖啡 ?有無時間出黎飲咖啡 ?
When do you have time for coffee with me? Do you have time for coffee?

2 : 有無時間出黎飲咖啡 ? same as above

3 : 你會留香港幾耐?
How long will you stay in Hong Kong?

4 : 有冇掛住我 ?
Do you miss me? (use when you are asking the person if he/she is missing you at that moment)

Did you miss me? (use when you are asking the person if he/she missed you while they were away)

5 : 你屋企(家鄉)系日本邊度 ?

Which part of Japan are you from?
參考: Arizona State University student
2009-04-20 10:23 pm

1 : 你幾時得閒出黎陪我飲咖啡 ?有無時間出黎飲咖啡 ?
When will you be free for a cup of coffee? Do you have time for coffee?

2 : 有無時間出黎飲咖啡 ?
Do you have time for coffee?

3 : 你會留香港幾耐?
How long will you stay in Hong kong? How long will you be in Hong KOng?

4 : 有冇掛住我 ?
Do you miss me?

5 : 你屋企(家鄉)系日本邊度 ?
Where is your home in Japan?
2009-04-20 9:01 pm
1 : 你幾時得閒出黎陪我飲咖啡 ?有無時間出黎飲咖啡 ?
When are you free to have drinks (coffee) with me? Do you have time to have drinks (coffee) with me.

2 : 有無時間出黎飲咖啡 ?
Do you have time to have drinks (coffee) with me?

3 : 你會留香港幾耐?
How long are you going to stay in Hong Kong?

4 : 有冇掛住我 ?
Do you ever miss me?

5 : 你屋企(家鄉)系日本邊度 ?
Where is your hometown in Japan?
參考: myself
2009-04-20 8:43 pm
1 : 你幾時得閒出黎陪我飲咖啡 ?
Answer: When will you be free to having a drinks (coffee) with me?

2 : 有無時間出黎飲咖啡 ?
Answer: Do you have time having a drinks (coffee) with me?

3 : 你會留香港幾耐?
Answer: How long will you stay in Hong Kong?

4 : 有冇掛住我 ?
Answer: Do you miss me?

5 : 你屋企(家鄉)系日本邊度 ?
Answer: Which district were you born in Japan?
參考: myself

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