中譯英!! 10點!!

2009-04-20 8:58 am
在一個晴朗的星期天,李生李太一家人很愉快地去海洋公園遊玩.當天也有很多遊人來遊覽,非常擁擠.首先,他們第一時間是看看地圖,認淸公園內的佈局設置,然而他們選擇的第一個遊覽景點就是熊貓園了, 這個景點非常熱鬧, 熊貓表演的過程中,在埸不斷有熱烈的掌聲.在當他們很愉快地看熊貓表演時,李太發現她的女兒失散了,那時非常焦急和擔心,立即向警察求助,之後警察幫李生李太記錄事發經過和四周尋找,並同一時間開廣播呼叫她失散的女兒,最後,女兒聽到廣播後並立即到達廣播處找回她的爸媽.於是他們一家人手拉手愉快地繼續享受他們的假日.

回答 (3)

2009-04-20 10:30 am
✔ 最佳答案
On a beautiful Sunday, the Lees family went to the Ocean Park happily. On that day, since there were plenty of tourists, it was very crowdy. At the very beginning, they look at the map at once in order to clarify the setting of the whole park. The first place they visited was the Panda House. That was a really populous scenic spot, during the performance performed by teh pandas, people clapped heartily. While they were excitingly watching the magneficent performance, Mrs Lee realized that her daughter was lost. Feeling worried and anxious, they called the police for help. Then the cops made records and helped search the little girl. Meanwhile, they made anouncements to call her as well. Finally, the little daughter came to the announcement centre, once she heard the call. Therefore, the family continued enjoying their happy holiday.
2009-04-20 7:20 pm
In a sunny Sunday, the Lees went to Ocean Park and had a great time. It was crowded with many tourists. At first, they read the map clearly and recognized the setting in the park, and chose the Giant Panda Garden to be the first site, which was very busy. People gave a big hand to the great panda show. While they were enjoying the show, Mrs Lee found her daughter was lost. She was so anxious and worried that she called the police then. They took record for Mr and Mrs Lee, and broadcast to look for her missed daughter at the same time. Finally, the daughter heard the broadcast and hurried to the broadcast section and found her parents there, they again enjoyed their holiday hand in hand.
2009-04-20 4:40 pm
On a fine Sunday, Mr. Lee brought his family along to the Ocean Park for a fmaily day. At the same time, there were tonnes of tourists visitng the park, and it was packed with people!
They took a map and studied the actual floor plan of Ocean Park, then they decided to see the Panda showground as their first point. During the show, lots of people including the Lee family had enjoyed so much and there was a loud plause within the theatre. However, Mrs. Lee soon realised their daughter was missing, the family started to panic and worried about their daughter. They had contact the police for immediate assistance to search for the missing girl, and at the same time, they had made an announcement for the missing girl. Their daughter had heard when the announcement was made, and came forward to the information centre to reunited with her family. The family was holding their hands and continued to enjoy for the rest of the day.

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