
2009-04-20 8:11 am
我部腦有d問題.所以我想試吓用系統還原,但個電腦唔比我選擇還原日期,有冇人知咩事..同埋有個問題就系開唔到d USB..唔知有冇關係..各位知唔知咩事..希望大家幫幫手..THX

回答 (2)

2009-04-20 5:00 pm
系統還原並不是你想點就點 , 你本人有沒有重組和清理電腦習慣,如沒有只可選擇由電腦指定日子還原,搵搵睇下,可能要返回一年前都有可能!!!
2009-04-20 8:33 am
for the system restore, default is enable , but did you disable it long time ago when install your windows ?
more msg pop up ? error msg ?

for the USB drive, did your computer can detect the USB Device ?
or you are just meaning, you cannot open the Drive on double click .....?

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