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2009-04-20 1:23 am
新畿內亞是個貧窮的地方 , 醫療設備比較落後和不足 , 但醫生並沒有因此而放棄病人 , 而且盡最大努力去救治病人 , 因為拯救病人是醫生的責任 , 還會經常訓練當地的實習醫生及駐院醫生

* grammer 唔好錯 , 用簡單的字都得

回答 (6)

2009-04-20 1:30 am
✔ 最佳答案
New region near the capital Asia is a poor place, the medical equipment is quite backward and insufficient, but doctor therefore has not given up the patient, moreover makes best effort to treat and cure the patient, because saves the patient is doctor's responsibility, will also train the locality frequently intern and in courtyard doctor
2009-04-20 8:28 am
New region near the capital Asia is a poor place, the medical equipment is quite backward and insufficient, but doctor therefore has not given up the patient, moreover makes best effort to treat and cure the patient, because saves the patient is doctor's responsibility, will also train the locality frequently intern and in courtyard doctor
參考: ;]
2009-04-20 5:38 am
New Guinea is a place where poverty, medical equipment and the lack of backward, but the doctor did not give up the patient, and do their best to treat patients, because saving the patient is the responsibility of doctors, but also regular training of interns and the local resident doctors
2009-04-20 1:51 am
New Guinea is a poor place with bad and scarce of hospital service, but doctors do not give up their patients for this. They not only try their best to heal and save the patients, which is doctors’ duty, and also train the interns and residents there.
2009-04-20 1:28 am
2009-04-20 1:28 am
The Independent State of Papua New Guinea is a poor place, the medical equipment is quite backward and insufficient, but doctor therefore has not given up the patient, moreover makes best effort to treat and cure the patient, because saves the patient is doctor's responsibility, will also train the locality frequently intern and in courtyard doctor

收錄日期: 2021-04-13 16:34:28
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