
2009-04-19 10:05 pm
有一50Hz, 6 極交流電動機, 其同步轉速每分鐘是多少轉?
(要 step, thanks you!!)

回答 (2)

2009-04-21 8:02 am
✔ 最佳答案
50Hz 電源,6 極交流電動機(摩打),其同步轉速每分鐘是 1000 轉。
(2) 1 Pair of pole x time (s per m) x frequency (Hz) / pole
2009-04-20 12:24 am
Frequency = 50 Hz
Period = 1/f = 1/50 = 0.02 s

As polarity of the induced voltage (e.m.f.) changes whenever the coil
has rotated to half cycle. {thus, one cycle of coil make the polarity of induced emf reverses twice}

So, speed of the rotation of coil = 1/2(0.02) = 25 revolutions / s

So, the coil rotates 25(60) times per minute,
i.e. 1500 rev / min.

* Please remind the function of slip rings in dynamo.

2009-04-19 17:28:06 補充:
Sorry, the speed of the rotation of coil should also = 50 Hz = 50 revolutions / s
So, the coil rotates 50(60) times per minute
i.e. 3000 rev / min.

In dynamo, frequency of the a.c. voltage and current is equal to the frequency of
the rotating coil

2009-04-19 17:29:24 補充:
In d.c. generator, frequency of the d.c. voltage and current is half of the frequency of the rotating coil

2009-04-19 17:32:46 補充:
polarity of the induced voltage (e.m.f.) changes whenever the coil
has rotated to one cycle. {thus, one cycle of coil make the polarity of induced emf reverses once}
參考: Myself, Myself, Myself

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