有關still 時態的用法?

2009-04-19 10:42 pm
still 時態的用法讓我有困惑~請幫我解答一下~

The store isn't open yet.-- The store is still closed.
He hasn't gone yet.-- He ( is / has --何者為對啊?為什麼?)still here.


The rain hasn't stopped yet.-- It ( is / has ) still raining. He hasn't retired yet.-- He ( is / has ) still working. He still works. 再補發2題英文我也是搞不懂,在麻煩詳細回答~謝謝~

回答 (4)

2009-04-19 11:09 pm
✔ 最佳答案
He hasn't gone yet. He is still here.
The store isn't open yet. 用isn't是因為後面的oepn是形容詞,你不給它個be動詞,句子就沒有動詞了。
後面 The store is still closed. 也是同樣的道理。
He hasn't gone yet. (他還沒走)
這裡之所以要用助動詞has是因為他要用動詞go;要表達「還沒」的句意,用現在完成式。當然你可能會想,那前面那句「店還沒開」為什麼只用現在式?那是因為isn't open yet帶有表狀態的意思,這樣用的時候本身已經具有「還沒」的感覺了,根本不需要用到 hasn't been open yet 。(當然你是可以這樣說啦,只是人家也不一定聽得懂;而且這樣也真的很囉唆…)
最後那裡用 is still here 也是因為沒有動詞,只有表狀態的形容詞here在那裡,你只能選be動詞 is。

2009-04-19 18:53:23 補充:
The rain hasn't stopped yet.-- It ( is / has ) still raining.
答案是 It is still raining.
He hasn't retired yet.-- He ( is / has ) still working.
He still works.
這也是現在進行式的用法,所以寫:He is still working.

2009-04-19 18:53:26 補充:
現在進行式的特性是特別特別強調"目前正在進行當中";所以He is still working. 表達的意思是,這句話說出來的時候,他(he)的確是在工作當中的。
後面那個He still works.用的就是簡單現在式;它不強調進行,只告訴你他現在有在工作。這句話說出來的時候,他可能就不一定是正在工作了;比方說現在可能是晚上,他正在睡覺也不一定!但白天時他確實是在工作的。這是簡單現在式的特性 => 表習慣、表固定會發生的事、表某人的職業或能力等等。
2009-04-20 12:51 am

We were still cleaning the house when the guests started to arrive.
This is a short novel, but it is still too long.
The store isn't open yet.-- The store is still closed.
[still是修飾主要動詞is]: 仍然是

He hasn't gone yet.-- He ( is / has --何者為對啊?為什麼?)still here.
2009-04-19 11:43 pm
@方便理解法--> *把 still 省略也是OK*
The store isn't open yet.-- The store is (still) closed.
@ 形容 store 的狀態= (還)是關著的
He hasn't gone yet.-- He ( is / has --何者為對啊?為什麼?)still here.
@ hasn't gone到現在還沒走= 現在完成式(交代動作狀態)
@ He is (still) here. 他(還)在這裡-->O
@ He has (still) here. 他有這裡--> X
2009-04-19 10:48 pm

2009-04-19 15:01:04 補充:
The store isn't open yet.—
The store is still closed.現在式。店舖目前仍關閉
He hasn't gone yet.—
He has still been here他從剛剛到現在,一直都還在此。

2009-04-19 15:02:47 補充:

2009-04-19 16:49:36 補充:
He hasn't gone yet.-- He ( is / has --何者為對啊?為什麼?)still here.
你的答案選項只有 is / has,那就一定要選 is=>He is still here.他現在仍在這兒。

2009-04-19 17:23:16 補充:
The rain hasn't stopped yet.-- It ( is / has ) still raining.==> It ( is ) still raining.現在仍然正在下雨。不能選 has still raining,因沒 have(has)+Ving這種句型,只有be+Ving這種句型。

2009-04-19 17:29:42 補充:
He hasn't retired yet.-- He ( is ) still working. (現在進行式)
He still works. (現在式)

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