
2009-04-19 7:34 am
係有多d symptom就叫嚴重定係點呢?

要食藥係咪就一定係嚴重ga la??

回答 (2)

2009-04-19 5:03 pm
✔ 最佳答案
All answers need to actually see you in order to have a definite answer because there is no hard and fast rules. I just attempt to share with you some currect concepts so that you have a better grasp of your current situation.

多d symptom in some depression scales is a quantitative guide to the clinician how severe your depression you might have.

But a clinical interpretation (including how severe) is an integrating progess, in other words, a good neuropsychologist will look into your whole person - how much your cognition is affected, what is the psychological processing that underpins your depressive symptoms, your personality, as well as your thought process.

For example, many people score a lot of symptoms because they are more self-reflective and more introspective (i.e. like to think), while others will lower education can have severe depression inside and hurt themselves or others without much self-acknowledged symptoms (i.e. their depressive symptoms score in the behavioural checklist can be moderate or even low) because they don't like to think.

In another words, your number of depressive symptoms is the amount of depression that you acknowledge personally - there are a lot of subjective elements.

We have other assessments to go into details how much your cognition, your underlying (not known by you or exaggerated by yourself) psychological process, personality and finally functional effects (how much of your daily functioning is affected).

Most importantly is to know how much your attention, memory, and higher cognition are affected - NOT just talking and talking - telling your not to be depressed (choose the correct thoughts) without knowing the OBJECTIVE effects with your cognitive and affective functioning.

2009-04-19 09:06:19 補充:
Finally, the fact that psychiatrist prescribe a lot of drug to you suggests that he think your symptoms acknowledged by you is a lot and therefore need more drug. However, for the psychiatrist to decide how much drug to use, the process is quite subjective

2009-04-19 09:08:09 補充:
That is: the more complaints you "tell" the psychiatrists, the more drug he will prescribe. They will not have the objective understanding of your cognition and psychological processes underneath.

2009-04-19 09:08:33 補充:
So psychiatrist’s prescription give you a 治標方法來控制病徵,不是冶本。

Hope that it helps to clarify some of your concerns.

All the best! Cheers.

2009-04-19 09:13:56 補充:
correction: We have other objective assessments to go into details of how much your cognition is affected by depression, your underlying (not known by you or exaggerated by yourself) psychological process,

2009-04-19 09:14:04 補充:
your personality and finally functional activities (how much of your daily functioning, like social, work, education is affected).
參考: clinical neuropsychology medicine and clinical psychology
2009-04-21 9:11 am
有自殘 自殺 傷害他人的念頭 為嚴重 嚴重一定要食藥
食藥不一定嚴重 及早治療 康復機會較大

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