
2009-04-19 6:54 am
請幫我翻譯以下我news article..thanks!!
Coke ad claims lose their fizz
Claims that Coke will not make children fat or rot their teeth have landed Coca-Cola in trouble with Australia's consumer watchdog, which yesterday ordered the soft drink company its advertising.
Coca-Cola South Pacific last year ran advertising titled “Motherhood & Myth-Busting,” featuring popular Australian actress Kerry Armstrong and claiming Coke was “kiddy-safe.” The full-page print ads also sought to combat public perceptions that Coke was packed with large amounts of caffeine.
“Now that I’ve found out what’s myth and what isn’t, it’s good to know that our family can continue to enjoy one of our favourite drinks,” Armstrong said in the ads. “My boys now call me mum, the Myth Buster!”
The firm also said it was time “to state the facts, and to help you understand the truth behind Coca-Cola.”
But the Australian Competition and consumer Commission has ordered CCSP to correct its claims.
“Coke’s messages were totally unacceptable, creating an impression whish is likely to mislead that Coca-Cola cannot contribute to weight gain, obesity and tooth decay,” said commission chairman Graeme Samuel. “They also had the potential to mislead parents about the potential consequences of consuming Coca-Cola.”
CCSP has agreed to publish corrective advertisements in major newspaper in every major Australian city, as well as on the company’s own website, Samuel said. It was also ordered to include the correct levels of caffeine for Coca-Cola, Diet Coke and Coke Zero, after the ads claimed the soft drink contained the same amount of caffeine as tea brewed from leaves or bags, or as instant coffee.


回答 (3)

2009-04-20 5:41 am
✔ 最佳答案
可口可樂南太平洋去年跑廣告名為“母親與神話剋星” ,包括流行的澳大利亞女演員克里阿姆斯特朗,並聲稱可口可樂是“ kiddy安全。 ”整頁印刷品廣告還設法打擊公眾看法可口可樂擠滿大量的咖啡因。
“現在,我發現了什麼是神話,哪些不是,最好知道我們的家人能繼續享用我們的一個最喜歡的飲料, ”阿姆斯特朗說的廣告。 “我的孩子現在叫我媽媽,神話巴斯特基! ”
該公司還表示,是時候“ ,以國家的事實,並幫助您了解背後的真相可口可樂。 ”
“可口可樂的信息是完全不能接受的,產生這樣的印象whish可能誤導認為可口可樂不能有助於體重增加,肥胖和蛀牙說, ”委員會主席GRAEME SAMUEL 。 “他們也有可能誤導家長對可能產生的後果消費可口可樂。 ”
2009-04-19 8:15 am
Coke ad claims lose their fizz
Claims that Coke will not make children fat or rot their teeth have landed Coca-Cola in trouble with Australia's consumer watchdog, which yesterday ordered the soft drink company its advertising.
Coca-Cola South Pacific last year ran advertising titled “Motherhood & Myth-Busting,” featuring popular Australian actress Kerry Armstrong and claiming Coke was “kiddy-safe.” The full-page print ads also sought to combat public perceptions that Coke was packed with large amounts of caffeine.
“Now that I’ve found out what’s myth and what isn’t, it’s good to know that our family can continue to enjoy one of our favourite drinks,” Armstrong said in the ads. “My boys now call me mum, the Myth Buster!”
The firm also said it was time “to state the facts, and to help you understand the truth behind Coca-Cola.”
But the Australian Competition and consumer Commission has ordered CCSP to correct its claims.
“Coke’s messages were totally unacceptable, creating an impression whish is likely to mislead that Coca-Cola cannot contribute to weight gain, obesity and tooth decay,” said commission chairman Graeme Samuel. “They also had the potential to mislead parents about the potential consequences of consuming Coca-Cola.”
CCSP has agreed to publish corrective advertisements in major newspaper in every major Australian city, as well as on the company’s own website, Samuel said. It was also ordered to include the correct levels of caffeine for Coca-Cola, Diet Coke and Coke Zero, after the ads claimed the soft drink contained the same amount of caffeine as tea brewed from leaves or bags, or as instant coffee.

參考: 翻譯
2009-04-19 7:41 am



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