help me!中五maths等差數列一問

2009-04-19 4:37 am
等差數列 2006, 1998, 1990,...的首個負值項為

A -8

B -6

C -4

D -2

已知answer 為D,但我不知如何計算,請大家教教我吧!^^

*要列詳細算式~~ thx ^^

回答 (2)

2009-04-19 4:47 am
✔ 最佳答案
首項,a = 2006

公差,d = 1998 - 2006 = -8

第n項,Tn = a + (n - 1)d = 2006 + (n - 1)(-8) = 2014 - 8n

現在,負數項,Tn < 0

2014 - 8n < 0

n > 251.75

取n為最小可能的整數,即n = 252



2014 - 8 X 252

= -2


2009-04-18 21:00:01 補充:
至於為何取n = 252,不是253, 254 甚至更大,這是因為題目要求是首項負數值。
不過,就算是下一個負數值,應是-2 - 8 = -10。所以其它的答案不對。
參考: Physics king
2009-04-19 4:51 am
First term = a = 2006
2nd term = a + d = 1998, so d = -8.
Let n be the term = 0, so
0 = 2006 + (n-1)(-8) = 2006 - 8n + 8
8n = 2014
n = 251.75
that means the first term is negative when n = 252.
= 2006 + (252 -1)(-8)
= 2006 - (251)(8)
= 2006 - 2008
= -2.

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