
2009-04-19 3:17 am

回答 (4)

2009-04-28 3:46 am
✔ 最佳答案
the chicken broken shell after the process looks like Jesus nails to
staple the cross, by the unprincipled person is been stranded in the
cave,blocks the access with a big stone, but three days later that big
stony fracture has opened, Jesus has also reactivated, just like just
was born chicken's shell split, the chicken is born the principle
reminds our Easter's lead is Jesus equally, can also by interesting and has the creativity way to represent Easter, may also let the people be
easier to understand Easter's significance

2009-04-28 3:56 am
The chicken breaks hull and the process paying to be like after Jesus nail the cross was trapped in the , inside the cave by the bad person to use a piece of big stone to plug that big stone to spilt open , Jesus to also bring to life , just after exit and entrance , but three days as the hull of lately- been born chicken spilted open the principle of, chicken birth similar
The leading role that reminds our Easter is Jesus , can also in interesting and creative way representative Easter the , can also let people understand Easter more easily of meaning
2009-04-19 8:15 pm
what the hell is that?
2009-04-19 3:45 am
the little chicken crack out the shell is similar to the Jesus calvary to
the cross and in distress in the holes by the bad guy, using a big rock
to block up the entrance, but the rock cleave after three days, the
Jesus is also to bring back to life, just like the little chicken shell
cleave, the principle of the birth of the little chicken.
the main characterof the easter is Jesus, it can to use as intresting and creative ways to stand for the easter,it can make people much more
easier to understand the meaning of the easter.

(you may be have to check it once more...... i hope it is useful and
can help you la)
參考: me

收錄日期: 2021-04-13 16:34:20
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