英文的翻譯 thankyou very much!

2009-04-19 1:06 am
3. The police have justified this suicidal case with what some students said. 'Eric was always alone. He seldom talked to us. He was a shy and timid boy,' a classmate, Edwin said. 'During recess time, the two boys from p6 often approach him and vandalize his personal belongings like his stationery and wallet. I saw him hide in the washroom and sob,' another classmate 'Eric never told the teachers because it would make things worse. The big boys threaten him and warn him not to report it to anybody, so he dares not to do so,' the class monitor said.
4. A police officer concluded, 'We believe that Eric wanted to end his life by drinking a bottle of bleach. It was lucky that he vomited a large portion of it soon after be had taken the drug. From what the students have said, Eric was a victim of bullying and could find no way out.'

回答 (3)

2009-04-19 9:19 am
✔ 最佳答案
3. The police have justified this suicidal case with what some students said. 'Eric was always alone. He seldom talked to us. He was a shy and timid boy,' a classmate, Edwin said. 'During recess time, the two boys from p6 often approach him and vandalize his personal belongings like his stationery and wallet. I saw him hide in the washroom and sob,' another classmate 'Eric never told the teachers because it would make things worse. The big boys threaten him and warn him not to report it to anybody, so he dares not to do so,' the class monitor said.
以上回答內容是本人經驗(Vinci Cheung),不可能於任何網頁或書本上找到!版權所有,未經許可,請勿複製作任何用途!!!
警方有理由相信這件自殺案,是關於有些學生指:「Eric經常很孤獨,很少與我們談話。他是一個怕羞和膽小的人。」學生Edwin說:「小息時間,有兩個六年級的學生常常靠近他,任意破壞他的個人物品,好像他的文具和銀包。我見到他躲在洗手間哭泣。」另一個同學 - 班長指:「Eric從來不會向老師舉報,因為會令事件變得更差。那些男孩子恐嚇及警告他不可以向老師舉報,所以他不敢如此行。」

4. A police officer concluded, 'We believe that Eric wanted to end his life by drinking a bottle of bleach. It was lucky that he vomited a large portion of it soon after be had taken the drug. From what the students have said, Eric was a victim of bullying and could find no way out.'

參考: 以上回答內容是本人經驗(Vinci Cheung),不可能於任何網頁或書本上找到!版權所有,未經許可,請勿複製作任何用途!!!
2009-04-19 5:14 am
3 。警方的理由這一自殺案件與一些學生說。 '埃里克總是獨自。他很少跟我們聯繫。他是一個害羞,膽小的男孩,同學,埃德溫說。 '在休會時間,兩個男孩從六經常接近他和他的個人物品毀壞喜歡他的文具和錢包。我看見他躲在洗手間和哭泣,另一同學'埃里克從來沒有告訴老師,因為它會使事情變得更糟。大男孩威脅他,並警告他不要向任何人報告,所以他不敢這樣做, '的班長說。
4 。一名警官的結論,我們認為,埃里克想結束自己的生命喝了一瓶漂白劑。它是幸運的,他嘔吐了大部分後不久就被它採取了藥物。從學生們說,埃里克是一個受害者,欺負和找不到出路。
2009-04-19 1:09 am
3. The police have justified this suicidal case with what some students said. 'Eric was always alone. He seldom talked to us. He was a shy and timid boy,' a classmate, Edwin said. 'During recess time, the two boys from p6 often approach him and vandalize his personal belongings like his stationery and wallet. I saw him hide in the washroom and sob,' another classmate 'Eric never told the teachers because it would make things worse. The big boys threaten him and warn him not to report it to anybody, so he dares not to do so,' the class monitor said.
4. A police officer concluded, 'We believe that Eric wanted to end his life by drinking a bottle of bleach. It was lucky that he vomited a large portion of it soon after be had taken the drug. From what the students have said, Eric was a victim of bullying and could find no way out 係解:
3. 警察辯解了與什麼的這個自殺的案件有些學生說。 ' 埃里克總是單獨的。 他與我們很少談了話。 他是一個害羞和怯懦的男孩, ' 同學,埃德溫說。 ' 在凹進處时间,從p6的二個男孩經常接近他并且破壞他的像他的文具和錢包的个人财产。 我看見他在洗手間和嗚咽, '掩藏; 另一個同學' 因為它將使事情更壞,埃里克未曾告诉老師。 大男孩威脅他并且警告他不它向任何人报告,因此他敢不如此做, ' 類顯示器說。 4. 警察結束了, ' 我們相信埃里克想通过喝一個瓶結束他的生活漂白。 是幸運的他嘔吐了一個大部分的它,在有服药之後。 從什麼學生說,埃里克不是脅迫的受害者并且可能發現出口。
參考: 翻譯

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