
2009-04-18 8:19 am
一間有限公司如沒有任何收入, 沒有薪金及租金支出, 只有營業執照及其他很少的支出, 基本上處於冬眠狀態, 報稅該年度稅表時可否不呈交核數報表, 只在稅表中申報為冬眠, 其該年度支出留待下一年度或以後一起申報可以嗎?

回答 (2)

2009-04-18 9:38 am
✔ 最佳答案
上一份declaration去公司註冊處, 要所有董事簽, 其間只可有商業登記費, 等等法定的費用, 咁就不用做年報, 不用核數, 但要注意, 增加減少資產, 銀行手續費, 都不可出現, 否則不算你所說的'冬眠'.
2009-04-18 2:54 pm
Yes. If this is the case, you can state out in the profits tax return 2008/09 that the company is dormant and there is no trading activities carried out by the company. However, if the company recommences its business later, you should notify IRD within a month's time.
Whether the company has business or not, you should maintain a proper books of accounts for 7 years under the Inland Revenue Ordinance.

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