Is the UK a police state?

2009-04-18 2:32 am
After the political revelations and manipulations over the last few weeks along with the video and verbal evidence of police force thuggery. Is "stalin broon's" idea of a new and successful country working?

回答 (10)

2009-04-18 2:54 am
✔ 最佳答案
Getting closer consider police brutality, surveillance, proposed checking of emails and phone conversations, intrusion into chat rooms, on the spot fines for virtually anything, telling football clubs when they can and cant play football matches or have winners parades as with Man Utd last year, bursting into the opposition Home Secretary`s office and taking papers without authorisation, police cars parking in disabled bays while they go for their shopping the list goes on........
2009-04-18 2:48 am
Yes if you are a motorist, no if you are a burglar.
2009-04-18 9:19 pm
Stephen C is correct.
Scotland IS different.
In England, the police can always resort to a charge of "Affray".
Affray does not exist in Scotland.
Well some learned judges in Scotland realised that there is no defence against affray. If enough police officers lie, one is guilty of affray.
So there is no offence of affray in Scotland.

No a very united kingdom is it.

Having said that, affray is very useful for putting the mentally disturbed and 'colored folks' in jail. It also helps police improve their
conviction rates.

Only the English would (and do) accept such a one sided class-ridden offence.
2009-04-18 3:28 am
No the Uk is not a police state, far from it. However it is becoming more like one.
2009-04-18 2:36 am
i tell you what mate if they tried anything like that in scotland we would not stand for it!

so no i dont think so well not yet ;)
2016-05-26 10:58 pm
Yes it's becoming a police state where you can be prosecuted for simply saying something that you believe in. You mustn't offend this group or that group. Half the towns don't put up Christmas lights any more. They put up "Holiday" lights. We don't realise the information that is already held about us. I phoned the police recently and they immediately addressed me by name, just from the caller id from my phone. What else is on that file I wonder. Are the petitions that I've signed on the No10 website listed? Is there a record of how I've voted in elections? From things that have happened I believe that there is an awful lot more info held about us than we realise. As to the ID cards. It won't be compulsory to carry them? Who are they kidding! Unless it is compulsory to carry them then having them is utterly pointless. If you look at history you can see the lies. Take the feminist movement. A movement which was set up to promote equality of opportunity and treatment of women. To allow them to follow a career if they so wished. Prior to the war women had the choice to stay home to raise a family if they wished as most men could earn enough to provide for the whole family. A choice they had only achieve d because of the industrial revolution. After the war there was a strong upward pressure on wages simply because of the shortage of manpower. The feminists were hijacked and propaganda was used to make them believe that they should go out to work, thus increasing the workforce and depressing wages. Soon they no longer had any choice as the bastardisation of their movement had made going out to work an economic necessity. Recently we have seen the same upward pressure and conveniently the governments have "lost control of their borders" allowing immigrants to flood in and again depress wages. That suits the government perfectly. Yet we are supposed to believe it was an accident? If you think it's bad now wait until power transfers to Brussels in a few months time. All the laws are enacted a a few unelected commissioners. You didn't think that the MEPs had a vote on the legislation did you? They are only able to discuss proposals and refer them back to the commission. They have no executive power. It's only a talking shop. The European parliament has no power to block anything or to do anything. Yet soon we are handing our foreign policy over to them. Storing our gold reserves in Germany! Old Adolf must me laughing his head off! everything he wanted achieved by stealth. And most of the population haven't even noticed yet! They will. they will!
2016-02-24 11:23 pm
uk bobbies r soft,how come a police state? u fucktard
2009-04-18 7:34 pm
No yet but it is getting more like a Police State everyday. Have a look at this for abuse of police power.
2009-04-18 2:44 am
Since they are all being brought to book- NO.
2009-04-18 2:37 am
They have been censuring the news pretty heavily so I can't say- but in the US we are pretty peeved too

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