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The usual port visit in a "liberty port" is 5 days.
While deployed the crew will normally be in 4 section duty. That means that each day 1/4 of the crew has the duty and must stay onboard the full 24 hours.
In some ports you are free to do what you want until your duty day rolls around. In others you must be back by a certain time at night. Normally the night return times are staggered.... lowest ranking back at midnight and perhaps senior enlisted and officers back at 2 am.
Each morning at about 8am the off-going and on-coming duty sections will muster. Once the on-coming duty section takes over the off-going section will be relieved and liberty call will be announced for them.
Some ports are "working ports." (Yokosuka, Singapore, Dubai, Bahrain, etc...) These are usually ports where there's a ship yard, repair ship or repair facility. In working ports everyone works until liberty call at about 4pm. The duty section stays onboard.