Do you like yaoi/yuri anime?

2009-04-17 8:39 pm

回答 (20)

2009-04-17 8:46 pm
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Yaoi is what I love. I just want to se more yaoi anime. But mostly there's yaoi manga - I don't say it's bad, but I would like to see some moving, lol
2009-04-17 8:43 pm
Well, sort of. I prefer yaoi manga. It's kind of my soul...
I'm not really sure how I feel about yuri, to be honest. :P
I started to watch a couple, and couldn't really get into them.
I'm a huge Nabari no Ou fan, which isn't technically yaoi but believe me, the potential is there.
I also like APH which isn't really yaoi either but has all kinds of male/male possibilities. In a weird way

But yeah.
2009-04-17 8:47 pm
yes but i prefer yaoi over yuri
2009-04-17 8:46 pm
I'm reading a yaoi right now. :D
But I don't like yuri.
2009-04-17 8:44 pm
Eh,not much.I don't like girl and girl/boy and boy.I have watched a few yuri's and yaoi's...didn't really interest me..

2009-04-17 8:42 pm
I like soooooo much yaoi!!

But hate yuri =P of course ´cause I´m a girl
2009-04-18 3:07 am
Yes, I love Yaoi!! Love reading it as well as watching it! To be honest, i have not seen that much Yuri as I haven't seen much of it yet to form an opinion one way or another. I don't think it is fair to diss Yuri without giving it a chance first. I can recommend Yaoi up the wazoo, but Yuri is not that familiar to me yet.
2016-05-26 9:16 pm
Yaoi/Yuri are animes are noting I'm into, but at the same time I don't see how there anything wrong with people who are into them. It's noting I want to watch be I'm not going to give someone who does a hard time. There are people more close minded then my on this topic yes.
2009-04-18 8:48 am
I used to like yaoi but now I don't really read them anymore. I DO NOT LIKE yuri.
2009-04-18 3:17 am
I love Yaoi anime! :)

If the story is good I'll watch Yuri anime too.

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