passive voice

2009-04-18 3:31 am
請 各 條 題 目 詳 細 解 釋 部 驟 : 如 :
object放句子開頭+will+be+動詞過去分詞(和片語)+second object(如有)+by+subject

1.係 咪 subject不是特指人稱, 就不用+by+subject啦 voice 點 樣 轉 passive voice ,詳 細 解 釋) 轉 後 passive voice , 當 中 的 subject 若 不 是 指 人 , 就 唔 洗 加 by+ subject 但 有 d 人 話 因 係 add more information 先 要 by+subject??

2.点 解 有 時 passive voice 要 加 be 及 何 時 適 合 用? The dog is barking at Simon. => Simon is being barked at (by the dog).

3. 點 分 passive voice 的 tense ( 以 下 句 子 点 解 用 are dsigned而 唔 係 其 他 tense+ pp,如: is designed )?
例 句:active voice: My brother designs new frabic patterns on a computer.

passive voice : New frabic patterns are designed on a computer(by my brother.)

*請 各 位 答 問 題 者 加 上 多 個 例 子 ( 附 有active voice 再 轉 passive voice 的 例 子 ) 並 說明 怎 轉 及 當 中 的 tense .

請 各 位 詳 細 答 ~ thx ~ =.=''

回答 (1)

2009-04-18 10:26 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. Generally, I can say YES.
But in fact, it depends on the whole paragraph but usually, when you are doing exercise or exam questions which require you to change the sentence from active to passive, you should simply do it this way:

Active: They kill the carzy guys.
Passive: The crazy guys are killed
From the above, tjhe original subject "they" is then cancelled.
To change from active voice to passive voice, the original verb must be changed into past participle. When you are expressing continuous or perfect tense ides, you must add "be" after being changed into passive voice. For instance:
Active: Susan is doing her homework. (present continuous)
Passive: Susan's homework is being done. (present continuous)
To mainitain the continuous meaning, the word "being" is essential.
Active: Susan has done her homework. (present perfect)
Passive: Susan's homework has been done. (present perfect)
Same case is applied to the word "been".
3. Tense will not be changed after transformation. Take your sentenses to be example:
Aactive: My brother designs new frabic patterns on a computer.
Passive: New frabic patterns are designed on a computer.
Both sentences are present tense, however, the verb should be according to the SUBJECT.
In the active one, the subject is "My brother" which is a singular noun, therefore, the verb "design" is in singular form.
However, the subject of the second one is "fibre patterns", which is a plural noun, therefore, the verb "be" should be wriiten as "are".

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