
2009-04-17 9:49 pm

1. 用洗衣粉洗地下,唔好用沐浴露洗
2. 扶爺爺返入睡房
3. 幫麻麻掠衫
4. 請將餸煮熟D
5. 這間睡房除左需要掃地同洗地之外, 其他東西唔需要清潔
6. 唔好開門比陌生人入屋
7. 麻麻今日要去街,請你幫手喂爺爺食飯同換尿片
8. 所有衫你都要摺
9. 邊個人教你唔幫麻麻做家務
10. 你應該叫太太買
11. 如果你唔夠力,用輪椅推爺爺出去客聽

回答 (1)

2009-04-18 12:05 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. Use washing powder to wash the floor but don't use shower gel.
2. help grandpa to his bedroom
3. help grandma to dry the clothes
4. please cook the food thoroughly
5. Only sweep and wash the floor for this bedroom, no need to clean other things.
6. Don't opene the door to strangers
7.Grandma needs to go out today, please help feed grandpa and change his diapers.
8. Fold all the clothes.
9.Why don't you help grandma? (英文唔需要講”邊個人教你”)
10. You should ask Madam to buy it (太太我諗你係指女主人or家嫂, 用madam就相通)
11. Help grandpa to the living room with the wheelchair if you aren't strong enough.

2009-04-17 16:07:13 補充:
Sorry no. 9 should be: "WHy dont you help grandma with her housework?"
參考: me

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