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英文係可以講 [He has left already]。應該唔會誤解佢離咗職 (離職會話 He has left this company,或者 He is no longer with this company)。
但如果想清楚 d ,就可以話:
[He has left for the day],or [He has gotten off work already]。
[唔係位] 唔可以講 [He is not in] 因為可以解 [冇番工]。
[唔係位] 可以講 [I am afraid he is not around] or [he is away from his desk]。[he is away from his desk] 比較好 d,或者 [he is not at his desk] 都得。
佢剛剛返左位, 叫人等等.
[He just got back to his desk, please wait a moment] or
[He just got back to his desk, and will be with you shortly]。
**d 符號唔聽話,所以我打番 [ is, am] in full 。
2009-04-17 10:05:49 補充:
雖然 [唔係位] 唔可以講 [He is not in] 因為可以解 [冇番工]。但係有 d 人講 [He is not in right now],就得,因為只解 [佢依家唔响度],亦等於話 [佢唔係位]。不過,都重係 [he is away from his desk] 最好;又直接,又清楚,又簡單。