English questions, please help?

2009-04-17 6:46 am
Please explain to me what the following means:

1. Trip up: Joeseph would often trip up, or push the male children into walls.

2. Don't take it out on me (what does it mean)

3. Playing up

Would be good if you can list some examples while giving me the explanation, thank you very much.

回答 (9)

2009-04-17 6:50 am
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Trip up means to make a mistake. For example...The girl tripped up and said the wrong answer.

Don't take it out on me means that someone should not take a problem that is not your fault, out on you...For example if your dad is mad about work, he shouldn't come home and yell at you for it, because it isn't your fault. It is a separate problem.

Playing up means exaggerating something to make it sound better then it really is. Lets say I got a 80 on my test. But I say to a friend that I did amazing on the test...In reality, I didn't do that well, but I exaggerated what I got.

Hope this helps! =]
2009-04-17 7:11 am
1. Joseph would often trip the other boys by sticking out his foot when they were walking by, causing them to stumble over it.

2. Don't take it out on me = Be mad at them, not me! I didn't do it!

3. playing up to = trying to impress
He's just trying to impress her by acting that way.
2009-04-17 6:57 am
'Trip up' means 'to trip.' It's redundant. You put your foot in front of someone's leg so they stumble over it.
2009-04-17 6:56 am
The first sent. doesn't make sense. You might say: Joseph tripped up and told Elizabeth the secret.
This would mean that he made a mistake and told Elizabeth something he shouldn't have told her.

2. Don't be mean to me because of something else that happened.
Example: Don't take it out on me when you have a bad day. OR
John started a fight with Paul and Paul took it out on Mary by yelling at her.

3. example: Tim isn't very good at tennis, but he knew Mary liked tennis players. So he played up how good he was telling her he had won a tournament.
ex. I exaggerated a little when I said I was a genius. You might say, I played up my intelligence.
2009-04-17 6:53 am
the first one's example is weird? pushes male children into walls?

trip up, makes me think of when one falls, usually from walking over a phone cord, or like when someone "trips" u--> to make u

or i guess it could mean to make a mistake, or get confused:
as in, "I got tripped up on that math homework last night, it was hard and i could not understand it."

2. Dont take it out on me, is an expression used in situations where one person lets their emotions out towards another person, USUALLY when they shouldnt

example: Janie: Im so mad that billy stole my pencil! i cant beleive that boy!
Janie's Mom: Dont take it out on me, i wasnt the one who made you angry, go tell Billy how you feel.

3. Playing up: im not sure...

in the sentence: Playing up a storm
it implies that the children or who ever is playing, is playing with such wildness that it is comparable to a storm (not literally...)
2009-04-17 6:53 am
Trip up: to misstep

Don't take it out on me: It basically means don't yell at me because I didn't do it.

Play up: to entertain yourself

hope that helped
2009-04-17 6:52 am
1.) Trip up in this situation simply means to trip or to cause someone to fall.

2.) Don't take it out on me means "don't blame me! don't get angry with me!"

3.) Playing up - means "playing it up" which means exaggeration in order to get extra or special attention.
2009-04-17 6:51 am
1. This is a person who wants to be noticed as the porimary person therefore uses force, much like stating his position!

2. The blame is being directed at a specific individual who probably has nothing to do with the problem and is getting the heat for it.

3. Exaggerating
2009-04-17 6:50 am
1. that sentence makes no sense what so ever...
2. this means don't blame me. like if you were to go somewhere with your friend and she or he got mad because they forgot their money and they start yelling at you. you say dont take it out on me. take it out on yourself
3. never heard of... playing up sounds stupid...

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