Dinner Recipe - Quick and Easy.?

2009-04-16 2:34 pm
I'm 13 and every Tuesday I have to cook for my family of 5 (including me).

I don't know what to cook. Plus it doesn't help having a fussy family.

My brother does not like mushrooms.
And we don't eat anything like mussels, clams, liver etc.

I want something simple and easy to cook that doesn't take too long.

Does anyone have anything I could cook. Any ingredients.

Please either leave a good site below or leave a recipe.


回答 (10)

2009-04-16 2:44 pm
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spaghetti and meatballs, tossed salad and some cheesy garlic bread. that was the first meal i ever made my family. they loved it.
2009-04-16 9:54 pm
you can use this as a side dish or a main course. my friens mom and aunt made this salad up it is great

the sauce for the salad:
sour cream
salt&black pepper
spoon of honey
spoon of mayonies
a little lemon
a little garlic (shredded)
2 spoons of viniger

the salad:
colored sweet pepper
baked bread crumbs(bake in the oven till crunchy)
how to make:
get a large bow after you cut the tamatoes put it in the bowl then drizzle the sauce the you put the corn on top then you drizzle the sauce. put the colored pepper then drizzle sauce. put the rest of the corn drizzle sauc...etc the top should be mint but whats under doesnt really matter what layer is first (its a layered salad)
2009-04-16 9:50 pm
Bake potatoes (as large as you can find), when soft to the touch, take them out, cut in halve, scoop out the middle. This can take an hour, but you can either do it the day ahead, or same day.
this step can be done the same day or next day cold.
stir the stuff you like into mashed up taters ( we like butter, cheese, bacon bits, fried onion, or dried/real chives, sour cream, more cheese-for tops). Scoop back into potato shells. (This step doesn't take long and works better while taters are hot)
put back in 425 degree oven for 10-20 mins.
very filling, and can do different stuffing for each person.
參考: my daughter does this when I make her cook, she "works" on computer for the hour it's in.
2009-04-16 9:44 pm
Simply buy a pack of fresh chicken thighs / drumsticks / wings. Put them on the baking tray. Roast until cooked.

Whilst roasting. Buy a pack of mix vegetables. Use a frying pan and add some oil. Stir fry until cooked.

Add any sauce or spices you prefer.
2009-04-16 9:42 pm
Chicken cutlets are quick and easy and feeds a lot of people. Pair it with just about any side dish you want and you're good to go.

Just take chicken cutlets (if they are whole breasts, you can slice them in half to make them thinner otherwise you can buy thin-sliced cutlets already in the store) and season with salt and pepper. Set up a plate of flour, egg wash (beaten eggs with some water) and another plate of breadcrumbs--season all three. Take a cutlet and dip in the flour and shake off excess. Next dip in the egg wash. Lastly, dip into the breadcrumbs and fry up or bake.

Serve with your choice of starch and vegetables. They also make great left-overs for sandwiches and quick chicken parmesan meals.
2009-04-16 9:42 pm
How about frying some hamburgers and let simmer in gravy after they have been fried. Serve with noodles and a veggie and or salad.
2009-04-16 9:42 pm
i dont have to cook every week but like you im 13 and i do have to cook from time to time. i would suggest a mac and cheese or spegetti bolounase (soz can't spell) sorry i dont have any recipes but they should be easy to find. very easy to cook and pleases the whole family.
2009-04-16 9:40 pm
Cut up one big onion and fry it in a pan (wok is good) with oil and garlic (maybe 4 cloves? depends on how much you like garlic). Add a tin of crushed tomatoes (a big tin). Add some basil and let simmer. Once it's simmered for like 15 minutes, add half a block to a block of cream cheese and mix it all together. Put half of it in a blender and blend until smooth. Add it back to the other sauce so that it's half chunky and half smooth. (unless you want it all chunky or smooth, which is ok). Add it to pasta! Hopefully this helps. You don't need exact ammounts. Just do it to taste.
Also, this is good for three hungry people so you might want to double it.
Good luck!
2009-04-16 9:39 pm
steamed vegetables and steamed chicken breast w lemon pepper seasoning nice healthy and lite

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