可以幫我中轉英嗎? thank you

2009-04-17 6:36 am


1. 執書, 將書上架, 或放好一邊

2. 幫客人搵書, 解答問題

3. 點貨, 睇下邊D冇貨, 要補返, 唔可以比個架"吉"左

4. 執倉

5. 睇住店內秩序

thank you!

回答 (2)

2009-04-17 12:11 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I am responsible for the following duties:
1. Arrange books and put them on the shelves or put them aside.
2. Assist the clients to find their desired books and answer their questions.
3. Inventory control – Make sure that there is no gap of the inventory needs.
4. Maintain the warehouse.
5. Make sure the shop is in good order.

2009-04-17 7:02 am

My work is responsible for:

1. Hold the book, put the book on the shelf, or put well on one side

2. Help guest's book, answer the question

3. Some goods, look askance goods, D of bottom, want, mend, return to, well, can than a shelf" Lucky " Left

4. Hold the storehouse

5. Order while looking askance and staying at an inn

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