Glsss digital display?

2009-04-17 1:32 am
It's scale; Let me to take a montion. step on the scale. hang my head, look at this glass digital display, Oh, I just lost myself five pounds. That's quite few. Summer season is fast coming. My big hips and big belly,How can I do they. I believe most girls have this hobby, I know this scale is biger useful purpose. It's funny...
Let's return to say this scale, The skin is light green, It is square, thin and flat, has high preciscion strain gauge sensor. it's automatic switch. It's power to use lithium battery,The capacity is 150 kg, it's a portable convenient,You can get it bothroom, a front room, and your private room even take it your office. You will make it gift to give your friend.

係一個磅,各位看我做一個動作,踏上個磅上面, 低下頭, 看著這個磅的 glass digital display, Oh, 我只減了五磅,這麼少呀,夏天好快就到,我的大 hips and 大肚腩, 我怎樣搞好. 我相信很多女孩都有這習慣,對女孩來說這個磅的最大用途就是這樣, it's funny...
說回這個磅,淺綠色,扁平的四方形,高度準確感應測量,有自動開關功能, 只要用鋰電池就可以, 重量150kg, 手携式非常方便,妳可以拿去浴室,客廰,自己的房間, 什至乎妳的辨公室都可以, 還可以當 gift 送給朋友,,,
Please anybody correct English part...thank you so much..

回答 (1)

2009-04-24 5:52 am
✔ 最佳答案

scale 單一可數名詞, 前面加 「a」

This is a scale. [這是磅] 比 [它是磅 It is a scale ] 更自然!



你只要說一句 --- Look at me! 叫別人看看你就OK了!
再說一句 --- Oh,I lost five pounds only!

I lost myself five pounds 入面的 myself 是多餘的,
解-- 我令自己少了五磅, 沒意思啊!

簡單說 - I lost five pounds only. --- only暗示了你覺得減得少!


夏天很快到 - Summer comes soon.

Summer 後面不用加 season ,summer這個字已包含了夏天的意思!

What can I do with my big hips and huge belly? [我怎樣搞好 ]

你用big hips and big belly 沒錯,

但big 重複會很長氣,可用huge代替,都是解「 大 」 !




Let;s focus on the scale! [ 大家集中看看個磅 ]


說別人未必知的東西 ---

‧It has a highly sensitive inspection system(高度感應測量系統) and an automatic switch.

‧You need a lithium battery to power it. [要鋰電池開]

‧It weighs 150kg. (重150kg)

‧capacity 是容量,不是重量

‧It is portable. [輕便] 已包含了方便的意思,所以後面不用再加 conveniet.


You can bring it everywhere you want. [你帶去哪裡也可以]



可當禮物送給人 ,

It makes a nice gift, too!

它也會是很好的禮物。 (包含了可送給朋友們)


你說,You will make it gift to give your friend.

‧文法方面, gift 前面要加「a」

‧朋友是一個種類,你送給朋友們----加「s」----- friends

‧禮物給你的朋友- a gift for your friends

‧You will make it a gift for your friends. 解 你會當禮物送給朋友,沒有了送磅是不錯的選擇的意思,語氣像命令人,
所以用 It makes a nice gift, too! 會親切很多!


This is a scale. Look at me! I lost five pounds only! Summer comes soon. What can I do with my big hips and huge belly? Alright, let;s focus on the scale. It has a highly sensitive inspection system and an automatic switch. You need a lithium battery to power it. It weighs 150 kg. It is portable so you can bring it everywhere you want. It makes a nice gift, too!

參考: ^^

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