
2009-04-17 2:07 am
The relative value for each characteristic was calculated from
these ratings (scores) (Table 1).

回答 (4)

2009-04-18 7:04 pm
✔ 最佳答案
The relative value for each characteristic was calculated from
these ratings (scores) (Table 1).
Relative value: 相對價值
Characteristic: 特質
Ratings: 品質的評價
The relative value for each characteristic was calculated from
these ratings (scores) (Table 1).
而這個評價則是以每個特質所擁有的相對價值來計算 (顯示在表1)
參考: me
2009-04-17 8:18 pm
The relative value for each characteristic was calculated from
these ratings (scores) (Table 1).
==> 表一的等級表中已計算每個特性的相關值
2009-04-17 6:38 am
The relative value for each characteristic was calculated from
these ratings (scores) (Table 1).
參考: 字典
2009-04-17 3:29 am
典型的其中每一的相对值從這些規定值(比分) (表1)被計算了。
參考: 翻譯

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