一段原文幫我翻譯謝謝Flower character...

2009-04-17 2:11 am
Flower characteristics such as inflorescence length, flower number on
inflorescence, flower dimensions (width, length) and flower stalk
length, flower color and shape, number of pistil and anther from 20
flowers were examined.


回答 (2)

2009-04-18 7:13 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Flower characteristics such as inflorescence length, flower number on
inflorescence, flower dimensions (width, length) and flower stalk
length, flower color and shape, number of pistil and anther from 20
flowers were examined.
Inflorescence length: 開花長度
Flower number on inflorescence: 開花數量
Flower dimensions: 花的尺寸(長度和寬度)
Flower stalk length: 莖的長度
Flower color and shape: 花的形狀和顏色
Number of pistil: 雌蕊的數量
Flower characteristics such as inflorescence length, flower number on
inflorescence, flower dimensions (width, length) and flower stalk
length, flower color and shape, number of pistil and anther from 20
flowers were examined.

2009-04-18 11:15:51 補充:

在這個實驗中,有20餘種花被拿來做 以上各個特質 的測驗

2009-04-18 11:18:20 補充:
還有Flower stalk length是 花柄的長度
參考: me
2009-04-17 2:19 am

參考: 奇摩字典

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