HELPP?!! Math questionn?

2009-04-16 6:49 am
It's 12:00. Then the minute hand moved 25 many degrees did it move?

I really don't get it..O____O
I think the problem seems a bit vague...

回答 (6)

2009-04-16 6:53 am
✔ 最佳答案
1 cycle = 360 degrees.
where the minute hand goes 60 minutes.
25 minutes refers to:
360 x 25/60
= 150 degrees.
2009-04-16 1:55 pm
150 degrees
參考: 360/12*5
2009-04-16 1:53 pm
the hand moved 25/60=5/12th of the way around the clock.

Since going around the clock once is 360 degrees.

5/12th of that = 5/12*360=150 degrees
2009-04-16 2:02 pm
30clock min 180geo deg
25 x
2009-04-16 2:01 pm
minute hand moved 25 minute
60 minute is 360 degree
so 25 minute is 360*25/60 degree = 150 degree
now hour hand also moved
12 hour is 360 degree
so 1 hour is 360/12 degree = 30 degree
so 1 minute is 30/60 degree = 0.5 degree
so 25 minute is 0.5*25 degree = 12.5 degree

so, angle is 150 - 12.5 = 137.5 degree
2009-04-16 1:54 pm
I think it is on analog clock so more than 90 and less than 180. Sorry I cant help much

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