Becoming a bartender?

2009-04-16 2:26 am
I've always wanted to be a bartender. Plus, I'm still in college and it would be great if I could some extra money from it.

I plan on going to a bartending school this summer.

Would going to bartending school help me get a job?

回答 (6)

2009-04-16 2:39 am
✔ 最佳答案
No, in fact it will hurt you. A lot of other bartenders will frown upon this, and even managers will. The reputation of people who go to school for bartending is they spend so much money, make some play drinks with colored water, read a little book, and then they get a bartending "diploma". Then they come wave this in the face everyone because they know how to make a few drinks.

Basically your paying a lot of money to practice making drinks. EVERYTHING ELSE you can find online for FREE!

I went to Bartending School, and did not heed all the warnings I read on the net about them, I wish I had.

If you want to become a bartender you will have to just work your way up. Start as a barback in a bar, or as a server in a restaurant, soon they will move you up.

If you want to learn the stuff you would in bartending school, memorize lots of recipes. This is a good place to start, since these are the basics.
Write them down on index cards and memorize them, it really works the best. Also, find out as much as you can about liquor beer and wine. Find out what the serving temp of beer is, find out all you can about liquor and how it is made, what kinds of liquor there are, what are the popular brands, learn about liqueurs (there is a difference), find out what wines go well with certain popular foods.

Then you've got it. Just hit up google and wikipedia for everything you would like to know. Also, don't give up, the first job is the hardest to land.
參考: Bartender
2009-04-16 10:06 am
Bartending schools can show you how to make a few drinks with colored water and maybe change a beer tap but that's about it. They won't teach you how to deal with the public, with drunks, fights, or what to do when the wedding party of 75 at the reception down the street decides to show up and it's just you and the one cocktail waitress (if your lucky enough to have a waitress) and they are all thirsty.
Bottom line, a waste of money. I was already a bartender when I went to work for a guy who insisted we all go to bartending school because he had never owned a bar and was scared that none of us knew anything because we didn't go to 'school'. We were all bored stiff, but it was his dime and I guess it made him feel better to send us all there.
Don't take pay under the table like someone suggested. If the bar gets popped, guess what, so do you. You might have to start as a bar back i.e. ice/beer/bottle getter/glass washer/table cleaner etc and pay attention to how things operate at the bar. Eventually you will be asked to help with little things like getting beers for customers if it gets busy or taking orders to tables.
It can be fun - I did it for 6 years, but it can be a pain too when things get out of hand.
good luck
2009-04-16 9:50 am
Skip the school. though granted I was in the business a long time ago. But the way I moved up, I stress moved up to be a bartender. Was waiting tables paying attention and asking the bartenders questions throughout the night (while at work), and putting in 110% every shift. Being a good bartender and having lucrative nights not only depends on being a good listener, but also being fast and able to keep up. If you excel at waiting tables, and prove yourself your more than likely to be noticed, keeping hinting to your mangers that you would like to get behind the bar.
It’s good money and I was able to pay for college, as well it opened many doors for me in my latter years, e.g. management.
2009-04-16 9:40 am
It wouldn't guarantee you a job but at least you have the qualification and the experience the employers need
2009-04-16 9:38 am
The school will only help you if you are planning to work in chain place like Sam's Boat, Chili, Fridays, Dave & Busters etc...
If you hit the local bars pubs or ice houses, most of them pay under the table. Set salary for shift. You have to be picky though. You don't want a bad area and you want to case the place to make sure people tip good. I used to do this and made really good money. I worked two days when they had a cook-off and walked away with 2000 under the table. If you are in Texas get TABC license. It's good for 2 years and only cost 50 or 60 dollars.
2009-04-16 9:35 am
Yes it could help you get a job. It is a great job and lots of hard work.Everyone else will be partying and you will be working. When the summer is over you will have a few dollars and they will be out a few.

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