Why do I allways throw up at the start of the night when drinking?

2009-04-15 3:06 pm
When I go out drinking, I start the night off with say, a couple of beers, but allways find when trying to drink my third drink I have to go throw up. After this, I can easily drink loads of drinks for the rest of the night without any problems, why does this happen? Is there anything I can do to prevent this? Throwing up does not bother me, but its kind of awkad to do at the start of every night, and makes my breath stink and impossible to pull for the whole night.

Haha, some people are telling me not to eat before I go out, and others are telling me to eat before I go out. To be honest, I normally eat something right before I go out, which may be the reason...


Not drinking alcohol isnt an option either. If you dont agree with drinking, dont answer a question which is purely pro-drink. Do you seriously think Im gonna read your answer and think 'OOOOh I know, Il listen to this stranger and never drink again, even though Im 18 and about to start my partying era at uni!' seriously!

回答 (24)

2009-04-15 3:10 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Alcohol is a poison. Your body is just smart. It is a warning sign telling you....don't do this. Unfortunately, you continue and it just gives up.
2009-04-15 3:11 pm
Drink as much milk as you can take before you go out. It lines the stomach and plays down the hangovers.
But if you know you are gonna throw up - why drink so much?
2009-04-15 3:10 pm
could be drinking your first 2-3 drinks to quick maybe, only thing i can think of
2009-04-15 8:30 pm
Eat about three hours before going out. Plenty of veg, low-fat, and some complex carbs. Try drinking milk a half hour before going out. It lines your stomach. It is alkaline so can reduce some of the acidity effects of alcohol.
2009-04-15 3:10 pm
Maybe it has to do with eating right before you drink? Also try starting off with a few liquor drinks, they go down smoother and don't make you as bloated - which might be making you sick. If all else fails, buy a pack of gum and take it with you.
2009-04-15 4:09 pm
Well, I am the same way sometimes, but it depends. If I am with my guy, who drinks a lot faster than me, than I might get sick really soon. I find that if I take shots or chug beers or cocktails, I am more likely to barf.

Why not try sipping on beers rather than drinking/chugging them. I know it's not ideal, but it's better than puking! Also, eat something light before you go out, like a slice of pizza or half a sandwich, and then eat something light while you're out, like chicken fingers or nachos. Sandwich both meals with a beer or two. Also, chug a glass of water whenever possible. If you are embarrassed about it, what I usually do is say I'm using the bathroom, then hit the bar first and ask for a glass of water. Usually, bartenders are happy to do this because it's a sign that either you or someone you're with is having too much to drink, and water is a good sign that you're trying to prevent someone from being too drunk or throwing up. Take the water and go to the bathroom and drink it (or stay at the bar, it doesn't matter). If you are already at the bar, then just ask for a water and a beer, and if someone makes fun of you, then just say that you're dying of thirst and the beer isn't doing it for you.

If this doesn't work at all, and even though you are eating and drinking water, and taking your time with your alcoholic beverages, maybe you need to switch your drink. Maybe beer isn't for you. Why not switch to a whiskey and coke or a vodka and soda water and see if that works out better for you.
2009-04-15 3:12 pm
Eat some food before you binge. Don't drink too fast and if you do throw up again. Take a break from alcohol and drink coffee or water instead.
參考: Common sense
2009-04-15 3:12 pm
Your liver cant take it no more.The deterioration of your liver cleaning toxins from your body is weakened,.Go see a Dr and see what blood work brings up on your ability to be healthy again.
2009-04-15 3:12 pm
Why dont u just not drink? Sounds like your body doesnt agree with it!
Do you even like the taste?
...Go out and have fun but drink non-alcoholic drinks!!!
2009-04-15 3:11 pm
Try eating say 3 hours before you start drinking and let your stomach settle. Don't eat on an empty stomach or a full one. Definitely not a hang over.
2009-04-15 3:11 pm
Maybe your drinking the first drinks too fast.

Oh yeah, and i'm sure you already know this, but you have to eat before drinking.

If you seriously throw up after drinking, I suggest keeping a tooth brush and tooth paste nearby. That's disgusting !

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