Active change to passive voice

2009-04-16 3:07 am
1.An old lady found a box in her house last week.
2.The box held some old coins.
3.Someone hid the old coins in the house.
4.the old lady took the old coins to the museum.

回答 (3)

2009-04-16 2:39 pm
I think the answer given by respondent 002 is correct. There is just a small point, that in sentence (3), [hided] should be [hidden].
2009-04-16 10:45 am

2009-04-16 4:13 am
1. A box was found by an old lady in her house last week.
2. Some old coins were held in the box.
3. The old coins were hided in the house by someone.
4. The old coins were taken to the museum by the old lady.

收錄日期: 2021-04-25 23:29:57
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