Which is correct? Thks!!!

2009-04-16 12:20 am
Which is correct?
A. She always listens to the radio.

B. She always listens to radio.

C. She always listens radio.

A. John borns in October.

B. John is born on October.

C. John was born in October.

Remark : 請問為何我見到有文章寫過 " He was born on October. "

回答 (5)

2009-04-17 5:06 am
✔ 最佳答案
1.A listnen to sth. listnen to the radio 固定搭配,是“聽收音機”的意思。所以要有“the”
2.C be born in+ month/year eg.be born in May. or be born in 1999
be born on+ day eg. be born on May 1st ,1999
所以,看到的Be born on(*)Oct. 是錯誤的。
另外,born (Vt)be born 出生在 某時/某地 ,表示 被動 不用主動語態
參考: Mind
2009-04-16 11:10 am


2009-04-16 4:16 am
1. A She always listens to the radio.
2. C John was born in October.
2009-04-16 2:51 am
Your sentences 1A and 2C are correct.
2009-04-16 1:15 am
She always listens to the radio.

John was born in October.

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