英文- 回覆感謝信

2009-04-15 11:15 pm
一位外國人寄信來說謝謝我們旅行時提供住宿和照顧, 可以試打一封回謝的信for 我參考一下嗎? 謝謝, 內容大致上就客氣了, 下年希望你能再來之類的,

To:terenceandanson 先感謝你的迅速回答.但是有點答不對題...however thank you 希望有更好的回答

回答 (3)

2009-04-15 11:19 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Hello, Mr. Chang:

Thank you for your invitation to your company’s year-end party and the opportunity to meet with your client, Mr. Carter.

在貴公司的尾牙宴, 我感受到貴公司的所有員工就像一家人一樣充滿溫馨與快樂. 相信MR.CARTER也能感受到台灣人的熱情與過年的喜悅.
While I was at the party, I could experience the warm and happy atmosphere amoung your employees, and I believed that Mr. Carter could definitely feel involved as well.

過去一年承蒙您的支持, 我們XX公司將持續提供最好的服務給您,
We appreciate your support for the past year, and we will continually provide our best service to you. We are very eager to become a even better partner towards your business.

農曆新年將屆, 在此代表XX公司, 祝福您 生意興隆,
闔家平安, 新年快樂
Chinese New Year is approaching and I am representing XX company to wish you all a more profitable year and a safe holiday.

Happy Chinese New Year!

Sincerely, (Warm Regards,)
2009-04-16 11:13 am


2009-04-16 1:29 am
Dear John,
We are so glad to hear from you again & know that you have enjoyed your stay with us.
It is our pleasure to have you as our guest and hope that you will come to visit us again in the near future or next year.
Thanks and wish you happy all the time
Your sincerely,

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