英文高手,可以幫忙譯一譯做英文嗎? (20!!!)

2009-04-15 7:19 pm

回答 (2)

2009-04-15 7:44 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Hair-dressing is the need of majority of Hong Kong people. Consumers nowadays emphasize more on hair compared to the 70s and 80s. It is possibly because consumers hold more open attitude towards hair style under the impact of pop singers’ hair style or trend. We therefore are now preparing to develop a new profession—salon.

There are many competitors in the markets with varying professional knowledge and services. Our company plans to develop a professional service-based salon which is not subjected to the influences of seasonal factors and at the same time satisfies the need of hair-dressing, treatment, and styling of customers.
2009-04-15 7:31 pm
Now we prepare to develop new profession this are salon, because all needs to cut the hair in the Hong Kong majority of people to cut besides small part, moreover the present consumer is higher than to the hair attention 780 ages, this is the possible consumer's receptivity to enhance based on the idol hairstyle or the tidal current infection.Although in the market already had the very many competitor, but their specialized level, the knowledge and the service all had the very big difference.Therefore the company planned develops one take the specialized level and the service as this salon, the profession not the seasonal factor influence like, also can attract some to have the request customer to the hair, satisfies the customer to cut sends, hair nursing and the modelling designs three aspects
參考: 自己!勿抄!

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