
2009-04-16 7:03 am


回答 (8)

2009-04-16 8:50 am
✔ 最佳答案

there are many night markets in Taichung, needless to say, one of the most famous is 逢甲night market.
參考: me
2009-04-17 1:11 am
It is undeniable that the best known of all the night markets in Taichung is 逢甲 night market.
2009-04-16 9:43 pm
don't have to mention!
as you know/ you know.
2009-04-16 5:21 pm
Tasichung boasts its many night markets, it goes without saying, the one at Fung-gia is the most famous.
2009-04-16 3:12 pm
應該是 Not to mention 吧
2009-04-16 7:50 am
'needless to say'

2009-04-15 23:53:02 補充:
There are numerous night markets in Taichung and the most famous, needless to say, would be the Feng-Chia night market.
2009-04-16 7:27 am
There are a lot of night- markets in Taichung. The most famous one
is Fend-Jia night-market without thinking.
2009-04-16 7:08 am
There are many night markets in Taichung, I do not have to say is the most famous Feng Chia Night Market~~
參考: 自己

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