Melbourne & Tasmania旅行問題

2009-04-14 9:40 pm
我和家人會在8月到Melbourne及Tasmania旅行, 有以下問題想大家幫幫忙:

1. 我會帶手提電腦上網check Email, 因酒店上網貴也不夠彈性, 所以我想到Melbourne買Telstra 的USB Wireless Modem(Locked)連Prepaid Data Sim Card套裝, 或出發前在香港買定USB Wireless Modem(unlocked), 到Melbourne時再買張Telstra Prepaid Data Sim Card用來上網, 大家知唔知以上方法幾錢及是否可行?

2. 另外電話方面想在到Melbourne時買張Prepaid Sim Card, 大家知唔知有什麼意選擇?

3. 8月份去Philip Island重有沒有企鵝睇, 睇完自駕車回Melbourne酒店要幾耐?

4. 在Tasmania想住Farm Stay, 最好是會一些活動給住客的那一種, 有沒有好介紹?


回答 (1)

2009-04-14 11:08 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1) Using Telstra for internet access is ok and cost around AUD100
2) Mobile sin card suggest using Optus (e.g. $49, $79, $99, etc...)
3) August有企鵝睇, and if your hotel is around the Melbourne city, then it will take at least 4 hour (if you don't speeding)
4) Sorry, can't help you with that information

2009-04-14 15:08:25 補充:
希望幫到你!! ^_^

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