which sentence is the best?

2009-04-14 3:40 pm
In this letter, i explain the reason.
In this letter, i would explain the reason.
In this letter, i will explain the reason.

hi, which of the above is the best? most friend? Wrong?

I will put one of the above sentence into a letter.

I just concern should I use "will" "would" or nothing

回答 (5)

2009-04-14 4:05 pm
✔ 最佳答案
我唔明乜叫most friend,你係咪想話最友善(friendly)?
In this letter, I am going to explain= I will所以I will係啱(公函)
In this letter, i would explain the reason.唔可以話錯,只可以係話太禮貌,太正式,係上一代人做生意嘅信先會咁寫.
個人覺得I will最好
2009-04-14 9:38 pm

In this letter, I will explain the reason ...


In this letter, I am going to explain the reason ...

Both sentences can be correct.

Good luck!

Duncan in Sydney
2009-04-14 7:56 pm


2009-04-14 7:29 pm
In this letter, i will explain the reason. 係對的.

因為In this letter, i would explain the reason. 用了past tense, so it's not right.
參考: me
2009-04-14 7:29 pm
If the letter is already written, then you should write:
In this letter, I'd explained the reason. (我在信中己解釋了原因.)
If you are going to write a letter:
In this letter, I will explain the reason. (我將會在信中解釋原因.)
參考: self

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