CE 化學 chem

2009-04-14 1:21 pm
Na溶點較高 點解釋


回答 (1)

2009-04-15 10:18 pm
✔ 最佳答案
金屬鍵(即係metallic bonding..), 可以用英文打嗎? 有一d字唔係好知個中文係咩..""
1) Metallic bonding in sodium will be stronger than potassium because the size of the potassium is larger than sodium (as potassium has one more electron shell than sodium) such that the attractions between the electrons and the necleus will be weaker compare to sodium. The charge density of soudium will be higher than that of potassium as well (due to its small size) As a result, the delocalised electrons will attract to the sodium cation ion in the metal more strongly than potassium =]
2) sodium既boiling point係97.72 度, 而potassium就係63.38既, 因為上面講左, 佢既metallic bonding (sodium), 係強d既, 變左呢, 就要用多d 既energy 先至可以break 到個lattice (melting既過程係break左d bond), 咁所以Na既melting point會比potassium既高既 =]
sorri 丫.. 用左英文答.. 希望你明我講咩啦.. ><"
參考: CE + A-level chem

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