Physics problem (Work/Power)?

2009-04-14 3:19 am
I've tried this problem several times, yet I keep getting the answer wrong. I'm probably making some small mistake somewhere, but I can't seem to find it.

A 13.5 m long conveyor belt, inclined at 30.0°, is used to transport bundles of newspapers from the mailroom up to the cargo bay to be loaded on to delivery trucks. Each newspaper has a mass of 1.0 kg, and there are 26 newspapers per bundle. Determine the power that the conveyor develops if it delivers 15 bundles per minute.

@ Lucifer I've tried that and it comes out to 57.33, which is not the right answer.

回答 (5)

2009-04-14 3:44 am
✔ 最佳答案
mass = (1)(26)(15) = 390 kg
g = 9.8 m/s^2
time = 60 s
i think you may have messed up on the distance. it should be the length of the belt times sin(30) because that is the distance it is lifted vertically.
d=13.5sin(30)=6.75 m

so I believe the power should be

P=430. watts
2009-04-14 10:47 am
1) the weight of belt and relevant components are not significant.
2) no slip between the newspaper bundle and the belt surface.
3) always 15 bundles on the belt.
4) g = 9.81ms^-2
Total Power:
= Power to bring the bundles by horizontal distance of 13.5cos30º + Power to lift the bundles up vertically by height of 13.5sin30º
= (26x1) x g x 13.5 x (cos30º + sin30º) x15 / 60
= 745.5W + 430.4W ------------ (horizontal + vertical displacements)
= 1176W
~ 1.18kW
2009-04-14 10:40 am
mass delivered = 26 kg * 15 bundles = 390 kg
height increase = 13.5 m *sin30° = 6.75 m

Energy = mg*h = 390*9.8*6.75 = 25798.5 J

P = E/t = 25798 J/60 sec = 430 watts

Since nothing was said about friction, I had to assume it is not considered here. In real life, it would be a major source of power requirement..........
2009-04-14 10:37 am
The work done on the bundles is m*g*∆h, where m = total mass of papers, ∆h is the change in elevation. In this case, ∆h = L*sinθ

∆E = 26.0*15*9,8*13.5*sin30º = 25800 J

This is over one min, or 60 sec, so the power is 430 W
2009-04-14 10:24 am
Power = work / Time

Work = Force * Distance

In this case, distance is your conveyor belt length, force is the weight of your newspapers

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