What is your favorite espada from Bleach?

2009-04-13 8:22 pm

回答 (25)

2009-04-13 9:04 pm
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My favorite would have to be Grimmjow Jaegerjaquez, followed closely by Ulquiorra. I love seeing Grimmjow's fights.

2016-05-25 2:43 pm
Coyote Starrk Allot of people like grimmjow and ulquiorra. Grimmjow is my 2nd favorite, I did not care for ulquiorra.
2009-04-15 6:01 pm
Stark~! <3333
omg he's the no.1 espada!! *jumps like never jumped before* I love him hahaha omg I'm getting crazy now -_-
then it comes Ulqiorra, too bad for us : ( *sobs*
and then Grimmjow, he's the kickass dude lol I really wish if he comes back somehow : (
2009-04-15 1:28 pm
Grimmjow. One thing, he stands out from the rest due to his striking blue hair. Second, he doesn't worship Aizen. Third, he has his own stand. Forth, he is fair, will only fight Ichigo after Ichigo's injuries are healed. Fifth, he has a very interesting and unpredictable personality. The other Espadas are either annoying, typical or Aizen-worshippers.
2009-04-15 2:28 am
Grimmjow Jaegerjaquez is my favorite. He's so impulsive and wild.

My second favorite is Szayel Aporro Granz. He's so cold, and can be very lewd.

As far as looks go i really loved Cirucci Thunderwitch's outfit. She was very cool looking.
2009-04-14 5:45 am

(not a current espada but was once)
2009-04-14 12:58 am
Numero Cuatro, Ulquiorra Schiffer :D

2009-04-14 12:53 am
Number 3.
2009-04-13 10:43 pm
2009-04-13 8:36 pm
Hmmm....i haven' made it to teh Espada yet but from teh looks of it i like Ulquiorra :]

-have a nice day~! =D
參考: !~!ME!~!

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