Why can people be so evil?

2009-04-13 5:40 pm
I mean I can understand a random out burst of rage or a mentally messed up person doing something wrong but a sane person how can they point a gun at a innocent person and shot? It just does not makes sense?

回答 (10)

2009-04-13 6:23 pm
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Are there any innocent people? I can tell you that there are some folk who are absolutely convinced that there are not (link 1 is one example). And let us not also forget a variety of folk who believe themselves victimized by society... who is society but everyone else?

Though it may sound odd, there are also many people who 'deperson' other humans, and even whole groups of them. It's actually very typical for a country to do it to enemies at a time of war (links 2-4 are fantastic examples), racists to deperson the objects of their hate, and for cults to do it to everyone else. And if you believe that someone else is not a person, then they're not entitled to anywhere near as much consideration as an actual person is.

I don't mean to excuse any of this... quite the contrary, I find it all reprehensible. But it behooves us to understand it. To know what is going on in the minds of such people. It does make a KIND of sense. Just not the kind the rest of us find acceptable.
2009-04-13 5:52 pm
There IS NO SUCH THING as a sane person. That is where you are confused.
2009-04-13 5:51 pm
History, WE've been killing each other for how long now!0!
參考: Show me a sane person and I will cure him for you...C.Jung.
2009-04-13 6:04 pm
There is no such thing as evil. People will do what they must. You establish a certain set of conditions where people HAVE to slap each other by law and one clever person will stop if they figure out how to avoid the law.

A 1% rise in unemployment rises ALL crimes including murder. People are good, things just get confusing when you have to food or money. When a city's power goes out murders go up drastically.

People will test every boundary they have if they need to.
參考: zmortis is ridiculously ignorant if he just blankets the whole unknown as impossible, because in fact everything he knows was unknown at one time. I am enraged by his source. (He doesn't except emails).
2009-04-13 5:53 pm
It comes from mental state. Part of this is environment and upbringing. When you are brought up believing that human beings do not have value, you see no problems with treating them like property or cattle. They are just something which either benefits you, or hinders you.

The solution is to raise your children to understand that all people have intrinsic value. You can only hope that others are doing the same.

I hope this helps.
參考: Agnostic who understands the unknown can not be proved.
2009-04-13 6:08 pm
What does it really mean to be sane ?
2009-04-13 5:54 pm
It makes perfect sense if you believe that satan was thrown out of heaven down to earth and a third of heaven went with him. What do you think they are doing here? Hanging out at the mall and trying new ice cream flavors? I think they are very busy doing the work of their master because they know that don't have much longer to take as many of us as they can to the pit. There are two sides in this battle whose side do you choose. Life and goodness or death and evil?
2009-04-14 1:11 am
Because they are bad.
2009-04-13 11:49 pm
Ever since Adam and Eve ate of the fruit of the tree Of Good and Evil the world fell into sin...
2009-04-13 8:26 pm
sane people don't shoot innocent people. it is some kind of insane because can you think of a sane reason for any one to shoot an innocent person? no. that is why it is so disturbing. some people are just mostly sane but then have this little bit of crazy that allows them to do horrible things without thought. i think that most of us have this point of snapping. and when they do they sometimes take it out on those who have nothing to do with it , who are innocent, and are hurt because of it.

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