How can I help my dog cope with warm weather?

2009-04-13 2:43 pm
I have 9month old shiba inu, and instead of shedding this hot summer time, she has just grown a full coat. She looks lovely, but I feel bad for her as she's feeling too warm during the day. I keep the AC on whenever I can, but when I walk her outside, she looks like she's suffering. How do I give her enough exercise and mental stimulation if I have to keep her in an airconditioned room all the time? Any suggestions? Now don't flame me for getting a double-coated dog in a warm climate. It's too late.

回答 (14)

2009-04-13 2:48 pm
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Get her a hard plastic kiddie swimming pool for her to play in.
2009-04-13 2:56 pm
I completely agree with moondog.

She will be fine, the fur will keep her cool in summer and warm in winter.

No dog should be walked in the heat of the day, as one it's too hot and two have you ever walked on the footpath barefooted on a hot day??? It burns!!!!
2009-04-13 2:52 pm
Don't shave her. Her hair acts as insulation.
It will keep her cool in the summer as well as warm in the winter.
If you shave her hair she has no protection from the sun.

Walk her early morning or late evening when it's not full sun outside.
I never walk my dogs in the sun on a hot day.
2009-04-13 2:57 pm
Interesting that only Moondog has picked up on the fact that a dog's coat provides insulation from the cold, as well as the heat - within reason. So any stripping has to be done carefully, without taking it all off. It is possible to maintain a coated dog in a hot climate however. With the a/c on at a reasonable level and only exercising in the early morning and late evening. Make sure fresh cool water/ice readily available and cut back on heavy meals, feeding only when the heat of the day has gone.
2009-04-13 2:50 pm
take her out later in the day when it is cooler, keep her in the shade and playwith her indoors. Make sure you have plenty off fresh water aswell, Take her swimming
2009-04-13 2:51 pm
Get her trimmed at the local pet groomer, only walk her when it is cool like early morning or late afternoon. wet her down alot, keep her water cold keep that air con on,and make sure you have plenty of shade outside.
2009-04-13 2:50 pm
you should trim your dogs coat in the summer, especially if it has a thick coat. you can take her outside, just make sure you always have water out for her. Sometimes what I do on a hot day is take a dish towel, soak it in water, and then freeze it. my dog loves to chew on it when its hot outside - its kind of like a dogie popsicle.
2009-04-13 2:49 pm
shave it i know it sounds cruel but shave it a little and brush it as much as possible ive seen shaved chows in florida n there fine
2009-04-13 2:48 pm
Very simple - go get her hair cut during the summer so she won't be as hot. And if you take her for walks or away from the house, make sure you take a little bowl and water.
2009-04-13 2:48 pm
shave her during the summertime and her fur will grow back by the winter time. that's what i do with my dog.
2009-04-13 2:47 pm
take her to your local pet store or pet grooming place (w/e) and have them cut her hair. simple as that.
2016-12-04 2:09 pm
In my journey, the canines breeds that are the least probable to strengthen human aggression themes are the Pug, Beagle, English Bulldog, and Boston Terrier. i've got no longer fairly seen an occasion of any of those breeds that i might say had a intense aggression problem, although I truthfully have met a quantity frightened Beagles. properly-bred Labrador Retrievers, Golden Retrievers, Pit Bulls, and Greyhounds could be appropriate up there besides. on the different hand are the breeds that are maximum probable to be aggressive. I truthfully have by no skill had a delightful journey with a Yorkie. fairly, of the 50 or so Yorkies that I truthfully have encountered, i might say all 50 had some sort of aggression problem. Chow Chows, Akitas, and Chihuahuas are appropriate up there besides. yet, i might say that the main aggressive canines breeds are the countless breeds of Terrier from Scotland, the Scottish Terrier, West Highland White Terrier, Cairn Terrier, Dandie Dinmont Terrier, and Skye Terrier. Scotties and Westies in specific are very bitey canines.
2009-04-13 2:57 pm
when your outside spray with some water so often. and also buy a kids swimming pool
2009-04-13 2:51 pm
Don't keep the ac too low. That is what stops her from acclimating the the warm climate. A cool AC makes walking in the heat twice as hard for her.
I fostered a collie in south florida one time. She was older and her owners ended up finding a home back in Michigan for her.

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