what is negative five square?

2009-04-13 8:59 am
is it -25 or +25?

回答 (10)

2009-04-13 9:23 am
✔ 最佳答案
It depends upon what the question means. Mathematics gives precise answers, but only to precise questions.

By "negative five square" do you mean (-5)², which = +25

or do you mean -(5²), which = -25

I suspect this crops up in a particular context, such as an evaluating an expression, and it is always better if you give the context, rather than an isolated extract like yours. You see, the answer can be either !

If the expression contains something like x - x², for instance, and you put x = -5, then the value of the expression is -5 - 25 = -30 (not -5 + 25 = 20). You have to be clear whether the negative sign applies to the number you are squaring, or to the result of the squaring, which are two completely different matters.
2009-04-13 9:05 am
+25 :)
2016-10-13 3:38 pm
Five Squared
2009-04-13 10:39 am
= (-5)(-5)
= 25 (positive twenty-five)
2009-04-13 9:51 am
(-5) x (-5) = 25
2009-04-13 9:42 am
the answer will be +25.
2009-04-13 9:27 am
-5^2= 25.

Useful rule to remember. Any Even power ("to the" 2nd, 4th, 80th, etc. power) are always positive numbers

Odd powers ("to the" 3rd, 77th, 103rd, power) keep the original negative/positive.
2009-04-13 9:08 am
2009-04-13 9:07 am
squares are always positive
2009-04-13 9:17 am
Actually, it depends upon how you chose to represent negative five squared symbolically.

-5^2 = -25
(-5)^2 = +25

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