Should animals be kept in zoos

2009-04-13 7:53 pm
Argumentative Writing (10 points......)
"Should animals be kept in zoos?"

May all of you help me to find some points on both sides, agree or disagree. Give me as much as you can.

I am calling for help...............Please give me some points as fast as you can or before Wednesday!! Thank you so much!!

Please give me in point form, thx!!


advantages & disadvantages

回答 (2)

2009-04-13 9:56 pm
✔ 最佳答案
A lot of animals caged in zoos are taken out of their natural environment and climate. These animals are often forced to live in climates they are not adapted to or even capable of adapting to. One good example of this is a polar bear. Polar bears are animals who are used to sub-zero temperatures and putting them in a place like Atlanta, where the temperature can reach well into the 90's is cruel. For an animal like the elephant, however, it is the opposite. Elephants are used to tropical temperatures year round. But some elephants are forced to live in places where the temperature is below freezing for months. Animals like these are not capable of adapting to climates humans force then into.
Nevertheless,I agree that animals should not be imprisoned in zoos! Zoos are no more than animal prisons, they are only there to make money & lots of it. The animal's feelings are the last thing the zoos care about, they have been ripped away from their homelands, from their family groups... it's sick
On the other hand,there have in the past been many bad zoos and cruel zookeepers. It is imperative that these are reformed and weeded out. Good zoos in which animals are well fed and well looked after in spacious surroundings are becoming the norm and should be encouraged. Zoos can exist without cruelty to animals, however, and so the fact that there are animal welfare problems with some zoos does not meant that all zoos should be shut down.
2009-04-14 10:37 am


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