
2009-04-13 6:52 am

回答 (2)

2009-04-13 7:01 pm
✔ 最佳答案
好遠. 冇記錯0既話好係要成二百蚊rm. 不過係都係自己問吓酒店大概幾錢

2009-04-13 13:56:43 補充:
did you book hotel already? nexus has renovation right now!!! you might want to change hotel... as for spas, i don't know. email nexus and ask for their spa menu. i suspect it would be expensive. i used the mandara in magellan. it was pretty expensive and not so good.

2009-04-13 13:57:40 補充:
sorry sorry. ignore me. not in renovation. i miss read the date...

2009-04-13 14:05:27 補充:
ok just checked more. nexus to kk roundtrip will be rm 150. but nexus should have daily shuttle bus to kk (double check with hotel yourself). nexus provides hotel transfer from airport but i don't know if your booking includes that.
參考: 自己去之前check過太貴車錢所以住magellan, web
2009-04-13 5:32 pm



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