English Gramma

2009-04-13 3:08 am
Question 1

Please look at the sentenses below:

1. There is the relevant material from your course materials.
2. All of the material you havegathered is usable.
3. Select the material (Title)

When do we need to add 's' after materia?

Question 2

The other question is the use of Gerund.

Is all of the verbs change to gerund can be placed to the first of the title?

回答 (2)

2009-04-16 4:13 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. First, "material" can be a countable noun, or an uncountable noun.
Material [C,U] --> If we want to count the TYPES of the material, then we need to add 's'..
For example : We build a building with many different building materials, eg bricks, timber, sand.
Another example is : food
We cannot survive for long without food and drink.
We can use 's' at the back when these situation.
In the supermarket, we can find baby, health, frozen, processed foods.
2. Second, I think that Gerund can be placed to the title.
For example :
Selecting the material
Being a good student
Learning English
--> We can use gerund when the verb is placing in the front.

Hope I can help you =]
2009-04-14 10:45 am



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