
2009-04-12 10:24 pm
我隻雪橇3個月大,,e生話佢偏瘦..比野佢食個陣又中2食下玩下,,下半身系好明顯粒左落去,,我又有比營養膏佢食,,又試過佢5肯食收埋佢,,餓佢,,等佢食旦系刀系食得好小*佢食royal canin大型犬隻幼犬糧,,我又比過天然糧佢,,旦系刀系甘,,有咩計可以令佢肥d??or食正常既食糧??

回答 (3)

2009-05-11 9:04 pm
閣下如果只係比 royal canin 佢食不如 轉左天然糧佢 !
royal canin 味精太重, 食5肥架!

其次佢食咁少野, 你可以試下少食多餐!同佢行完街反home先比野佢食!


我介紹你 avoderm 藍莓曲奇啦!好味又有營養既小食黎架!
如果糧轉到就轉la.. 轉個陣要溝糧架!

我有幫開朋友訂天然糧架,你都可以黎我BLOG睇下! 有咩唔明可以問我! 交流心得丫
MAIL: [email protected]
2009-04-13 4:09 am
I kept dogs since i was born, and i kept a 雪橇 before.

Firstly, ur dogs is a 雪橇, 雪橇 lives in northpole, they got thick hair and like cold places, but hong kong climate is very hot, so i think u should giv it some fish oil peels, to keep its hair shinny and beautiful.

Second, fit dogs got a shape. u sed ur dog 下半身系好明顯粒左落去, its natural. Every fit dogs would be like dis, I got 4 dogs at home, and they all got this shape.

Thirdly, u sed ur dog is quite thin, u should try to giv it some dog snacks. Every dog like snacks, and sure ur dog would be interested and would not eat just little.

Overall, ur puppy doesnt hav a problem at all, because when it grew older, it would natrally get fatter.

Hope I can help u =)

P.S. i always giv my dogs some of our food when we are eating meals, like meat(wif no bones), rice and some vegetables. Its not healthy at all, but it would definitely let the dog be fatter.
參考: me=)

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