
2009-04-12 9:31 pm

回答 (2)

2009-04-13 12:51 am
✔ 最佳答案

較常見是自我介紹;也可以是關於自己的嗜好,例如我喜歡健身,就可以考慮寫一個健身資料的網站;再不然可以是關於自己的家人朋友或生活點滴;甚至是網上寫文章舒發情感,或 post 出自己拍的照片也行。

之後要找一個網頁空間, 可以考慮由 google 推出的「Google 協作平台」

- 只需有 google 的 account 就可以,而且 google 的 account 也是免費的;
- 100m 免費網頁空間;
- 無限制每個 account 可以做幾多個網頁,只要總空間在 100m 之內就得;
- 有齊基本編輯工具,唔識 html 語法都可以寫出簡單的網頁;
- google 做 hosting,穩定性和速度有一定保證;
- google 同時提供基本的網頁流量和參觀統計表。

2009-04-12 9:34 pm
there are a lot of DIY web site. Go to these web site and open DIY. Also, you need to buy a web site name.

Go to the following web site and have a look or call their people.

2009-04-12 13:41:09 補充:
Steps are as follows:
a. Go to a web site called ABCHK and input the web site name that you want and check whether this is available
b. Go to the DIY part and purchase their DIY package
c. They will give you logon and you can build your web site easily.

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