
2009-04-12 9:09 pm

回答 (2)

2009-04-13 1:02 am
✔ 最佳答案
如果租約期之內, 未完之前,
你整欄咗業主嘅裝修又走咗去 , 唔理,
佢要揾人整, 揾人維修,
就攞筆「裝修按金」嚟搞, 又 or 整座大厦要維修
如果冇事發生, 業主會係租約完就還番俾你 !
2009-04-12 9:24 pm
When the property you leased needs to be renovated, the landlord may ask you to pay for a deposit for renovation. When you finished the renovation, the landlord will pay you back the deposit...

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