急求英文週記 journal-----20分(快)

2009-04-12 7:26 pm

十萬個感謝~~~~~~=) thxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx!!!!!!!!!


m9831564,你離題啊~唔係講我大個想做甚麼職業啊~超無奈lor~~~ 002,我不是叫你幫我找網頁教我怎樣做週記啊,我是要找人′幫′我做呀~~~


救命啊~~~你地都唔明我想點....= ="


um.....003篇野原本都ok,不過太簡單啦~我地中一D野唔會咁簡單lor......算啦﹗我揀你做最佳啦~反正我自己都做左一篇 ......= ="

回答 (3)

2009-04-13 6:44 am
✔ 最佳答案
Today is the tenth of April in 2009. Also it was an Easter holiday. In the afternoon, my parents and I went to a popular Chinese restaurant in Tsing Yi with my grandparents and aunt. Wow! There was a lot of food. I ate and ate. Until my tummy was full of chocolate, I stopped eating. Then, we went shopping in Tsing Yi Plaza and bought some presents for my grandparents. Next, we went to their home to play and read books. There were so many comics. I read and read until night. My grandmonther cooked a lot of food for us. Chicken wings, fresh fish and soup! All of my favourite food! Delicious! I love above food very much. I knew my grandparents and aunt were very fond of me. So I must respect them like my parents! What a nice day!

2009-04-12 22:48:18 補充:
sorry 只write左一日!!!!! sor!!!

2009-04-12 22:49:47 補充:
What a nice day today!!!!!not What a nice day!
參考: my brain
2009-04-12 9:29 pm


2009-04-12 8:08 pm
I want to be a fireman (or fire fighter) in the future. This is my ambition ever since I was young. This idea was partly influenced by the TVB series about Fire Fighters in the past. I was so impressed by the hard work of the firemen and their effort to saving people's lives. I think this job is very challenging because not only does it demand a great deal of physical strength, it also requires the courage to put out the fire. Doctors are a meaningful career since they are able to rescue people but I feel that being a fireman will be more exciting and suitable for me. Being a fireman is one of the best jobs to me, not only will I be to earn an agreeable income, I can also do meaningful work in my life. I plan to work harder on building up my physical strength and keep myself fit and healthy to make my step towards this ambition.

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