HKUST Qfin vs Warwick MORSE

2009-04-12 10:06 am
i have got offers from both Warwick MORSE and HKUST Quantitative finance.
i know both courses have good reputation in there own country, but would Warwick gives me a better opportunity in terms of future career even in HK in i-bank and actuarial work??

回答 (2)

2009-04-22 1:36 am
✔ 最佳答案
"MORSE and MMORSE provide an excellent basis for many careers, and are well received in the actuarial and accountancy professions. The BSc MMORSE degree can exempt future actuaries from a number of the Institute of Actuaries examinations."
If your focus/ concern is about the membership (i.e. associateship/ fellowship) of the Institute of Actuaries, then I suggest you to choose Warwick as it is the ONLY university to offer this integrated degree scheme in pure mathematics and its applications to finance, economics, operational research and management science.
Besides there are numerous opportunities for actuarial work in Mainland China, esp Shanghai.
Good Luck!

2009-04-12 8:43 pm




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