what is the difference between Kb Mb AND Gb when it comes to disk space?

2009-04-12 1:51 am

回答 (11)

2009-04-12 1:57 am
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1000kb makes 1 mb.
1000 mb makes 1 gb.
1000gb makes 1 tb

byte (b) is the smallest unit
kilobyte (kb) second smallest
megabyte (mb) the 'normal' size in the 21st century
gigabyte (gb) the first 'large' unit
terabyte (tb) 'largest' unit in the 21st century
2009-04-12 1:57 am
1024 bytes = 1 kb, 1024 kb = 1 mb, 1024 mb = 1 gb, 1024 gb = 1 tb, 1024 tb = 1 pb
2009-04-12 1:55 am
1 GB = 1024 MB
1 MB = 1024 KB
2009-04-12 1:59 am
Kb is kilo bit. A bit is either a 0 or 1. A "kilo" is not exactly 1000 but rather 1024. However, people just round it down to 1000.
Mb is mega bit which is 1024 * 1024 which is about 1,000,000.
Gb is giga bit which is 1024 * 1024 * 1024 which is about 1,000,000,000.

In terms of disk space, KB, MB and GB are used. The big "B" means byte instead of bit. A byte has 8 bits which is the base storage units for hard disk (floppies, flashdrives and the likes).
2017-01-12 2:41 am
Difference Between Gb And Kb
2016-05-24 10:11 pm
A bit (b) is a binary digit which is either 0 or 1. A byte (B) is 8 bits grouped together. Kilo, mega, giga or terra means 1000, 1 million, 1 billion or 1 trillion bits or bytes. A 100 GB drive can store 100 billion bytes. b indicates bits, B indicates bytes so the case matters... Kb is not the same as KB.
2009-04-12 2:04 am
It's like saying whats the difference between mm, cm and m when it comes to length?
Its just an easier way of measuring stuff
e.g. 5.29m is easier to say and write than 5290mm
e.g. 905MB is easier to say than 905,000KB
but with space on hard drives and memory and stuff it all doubles and stuff
2+2=4 4+4=8 8+8=16 16+16=32 32+32=64 etc etc...

Hope it helped
2009-04-12 2:01 am
actually, a bit is the smallest unit, not a byte, and there are 8 bits to a byte. however, for the most part the rest of these posts are fairly acurate, especially the ones that say 1024 anywhere in them. however, you also have to realise that in soma cases someone mite say kb when they mean KB (or kB), large letters usually indicate byte whereas small letters mean bits as in the speed your internet connection is represented.
2009-04-12 1:58 am
1 byte = smallest measure of size of a file on a computer
1 kilobyte (KB) = 1000 bytes
1 megabyte (MB) = 1000 kilobytes (KB)
1 gigabyte (GB) = 1000 megabytes
1 terabyte (TB) = 1000 gigabytes

it's a little more than 1000 (approximately 1024, since values are taken with respect to powers of 2), but a little rounding doesn't make much of a difference.

basically, your hard drive currently is measured in terms of Gigabytes (GB), the more space you use up, the less space is left, the slower it responds, and will pick up speed (not as fast as it originally was, due to static power within the electric components and cache) if you remove/delete files and make more room.
2009-04-12 1:55 am
2009-04-12 1:58 am
They are all different units

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